Wednesday, March 28

Chalkboard Painted Mirror

I never liked the way chalk felt. It makes me cringe to hear someone write on a chalkboard. I shudder to think about fingernails. I still went out and bought a can of chalkboard spray paint. That was about 5 months ago. It sat with my other spray paint colors, watched as they were chosen for projects, wishing it were next. I just didn't know what to do with it. Then I remembered the mirror that was given to me. It was an "I don't want this anymore, Sarah do you want it?" kind of deal. Usually when family members are about to give something away they ask me first. I'm not a hoarder, I just like free stuff.
I had already started painting when I realized I should take a picture.

It was a small, nicely shaped mirror painted a shade of green that made me want to cry (see above). I knew I'd paint it but had no clue where to put it. So I started painting it with ASCP in Old White hoping I'd figure out what to do with it. I love that color. That's when it hit me! CHALKBOARD PAINT! The mirror was begging for it. I gave the mirror 2 coats, let it dry and prepped it for use today! It is now our little welcome sign as you come in through the garage..

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